Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday January 10th: In shock, again.

A few pictures I took today after our appointments, our cheerful little girl.

So our doctors looked at the CT imaging sent up from Cranbrook and want to move quickly. It looks as though there is some bleeding (from the tumour) and that's why her motor skills were affected so rapidly overnight. They were discussing putting her in for an MRI today, and then if everything looks as they suspect they would keep her under and go straight into the OR. After a few calls back and forth it was decided that it would work better to wait until tomorrow for scheduling. !?! We were quite shocked that they decided to move so quickly, obviously this was faster than we anticipated. Charlotte seems to be so well, on the outside at least, that we thought we might be up for MRI and then home until we made some appointments. Anyways we will be heading into MRI at 2:00 tomorrow and then likely into surgery sometime between 3 and 4. We are able to check into the Ronald McDonald house tonight and get ourselves geared up for tomorrow.

Of course we are asking for all your prayers and encouraging words to help us through this time, again.


  1. Quinn3:02 PM

    Many, many prayers going your way. We're so sorry to read this.

    Michelle, Dave, Eskedar and Bereket

  2. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I have been holding you in prayer almost constantly since I heard the news. I don't know what else to do. Please be strong and rest in the Lord's strength.


  3. My prayers and thoughts are with you at this time. Keep strong and believe.

  4. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Please God keep dear little Charlotte in your protective care. Be with her doctors and especially her family at this challenging time.

    Bless you,
    Marilyn F., Regina

  5. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Keeping you all in my thoughts. Love and strength to you all.
