
Monday, September 24, 2012

Friends of Charlotte

Friends of Charlotte
We have started a blood drive in memory of Charlotte. Our main focus will be for the month of October... but please don't let that stop you from donating all year long! Infact once you are signed up through Friends of Charlotte all your future donations will be counted towards our goal. Each year we will plan to reach a minimum of 35 units of blood. (I lost track but I know that Charlotte used at least 32 units during her battle with cancer.)
Here is a little bit that a friend wrote up for us:
A little girl who lost her life to cancer may not appear to be lucky but many times throughout her battle Charlotte was fortunate and received the lifeline that she needed: blood.
Charlotte’s big heart may have stop beating but the size and strength of it lives on in our quest. We ask you to remember her fondly and do what you can to help her friends; their little bodies need you. Educate yourself and open your eyes as wide as your heart to the fact that our Canadian Blood Services can only pass on what we choose to provide; your abundance of blood is a lifesaving gift to a child fighting cancer. 60 minutes, 7 times a year, offer your arm and give blood for our children.
Thank you all for your patience... we finally have the official link

Here’s How You Can Get Involved to donate today In Honour of Charlotte:

1. Book Your Appointment to Give Blood
Call 1 888 2 DONATE or visit to find a clinic near you and to book your appointment on-line to donate.

2. Register Your Donations Towards "Friends of Charlotte":
Visit and register with our Partner ID number:
FRIE013435 (four alpha characters, six numeric). Registration forms are also available at all blood donor clinics. Once you register, your past and future donations will automatically be tracked towards our annual goal.

3. To help even more: Book a Group Donation!
Organize a group of colleagues and plan a group blood donation at your nearest blood donor clinic. Contact or 403-410-2722 to reserve your group appointment.

Thank you for joining "Friends of Charlotte", in making a difference and saving lives!

Not sure what to say...

It has been 8 months since Charlotte passed away and Im still not sure what to say. I feel like I should put something up here... Im just honestly not sure where to start. So I will leave it blank for now and maybe come back to this page.

We have something exciting started in Charlottes memory and as soon as I get the details figured out I will get them posted on here.