
Friday, October 14, 2011

July 16th Saturday: Birthday party number two

Saturday brought just enough sun that we were able to get out the pools as planned. The girls had fun, and once again Charlotte was spoiled! She was feeling better for this party and I think she enjoyed herself quite a bit. (For Thursdays party she was quite tired and was happy to cuddle on her daddies lap most of the day.) It was quite the princess party, I think we had 12 bathing beauties running around the yard and three baby siblings playing at the sidelines.
Three kiddie pools and the slide was the main entertainment.
 These three girls, Chloe, Charlotte and Macky... East Kootenay girls who met each other during stays at Ronald McDonald House in Calgary. I could definitely tell that out of the crowd these three had something in common. They were all very sure of, and asserted their princess status. I think that having cancer and being at the centre of everyones attention for so long... makes them, Im not sure how to say it, egocentric maybe?  Its not that they are any more demanding than the average kid, its just that when they have a need they are quite assuming that it will be taken care of swiftly.... and if its not you get a dumb look that says, "what do you mean, no?" Three sweet little girls who have all been through way too much.

 Charlotte is checking out her new little cousin Lena(or maybe just her toys!) We were glad to have my cousins family here who were visiting from Germany.
 Check out this cake! Chloes mom, Lecara, made Charlotte a fancy birthday cake last year while we were all at RMH, and when she asked if she could bring one this year I was excited! Well its not so much of a cake as a work of art, the kids loved it! (and the adults did too)

 I dont think we even got all the girls in on this picture! It was a very fun day, we sure appreciated everyone who helped out!

July 21st, Thursday: Charlottes Birthday

Charlotte's 3rd birthday today...
This was a great day. Although it was a little cool and windy we were able to enjoy a picnic in our backyard.
We had a lot to celebrate that day. Going back to her last MRI, when we were told that her cancer had returned, we were also told that there was no real way of knowing how long she will have or how long she will be in good health. There are so many factors to consider and we just don't know very much about this type of tumour, she was in good health (otherwise) but we have been told it is very aggressive. We knew of one other little warrior who fought this same type of tumour and sadly from the time his family was given that same speech he only had a precious two months before he was called home. Two months took us right up to the weekend of Charlotte's birthday. Well here we are at her birthday and she was doing so well, all her doctors were very pleased with her health.

Needless to say I wanted to host a big party both to spoil this girl and to have everyone together to celebrate. The guest list was so long that we split it into two parties, a big people party and a little people party, with a day in between so I could regroup. So these pictures are all from party number one, with all her grandparents, aunties and uncles.
Both girls were very spoiled! Charlotte's favourite gift was the little honey packages (the kind from restaurants) that a couple of her aunties tucked into their presents.

Charlotte had her cake picked out months ago, she had a little kids cake book that she seriously carried everywhere for a few weeks. She and Yolanda picked out cakes for everyone in our family and anytime someone new walked through the door they would be shown which cake Charlotte, Yolanda, Mommy and Daddy were getting for their birthdays. So I was told that i was making a purple purse cake, although its not the prettiest cake ever it suited her just fine.
 Now we have a three year old! After a fun day, full of sugar and gifts and excitement, we put our little girl to bed... thanking God for her health and asking for his continued blessing on her life.