
Monday, August 29, 2011

July 16th The Pink Car, part two... the pretty part!

Don't be shocked but its true... A brand new post!!! I know it has been over a month since you have last heard anything from me. It has been a good month, very busy but very fun. Charlotte is doing well, she continues to surprise her doctors. A couple months ago she did lose a bit of ground with her mobility, especially her right hand and arm. But since then things have been quite stable. She is happy just being a grubby little kid who is finally able to play in the pool and yard. We continue to pray  "Lord we trust that you can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine and so we commit Charlotte to you. Your love knows no bounds, your power knows no limits. When we cannot understand what is happening, we ask you to forgive our unbelief and set us back facing you, trusting you. Your faithfulness is new every morning. In our weakness Lord show your strength." We continue to hope for a miracle in Charlotte's body.
This post is long overdue and I'm going back to do some catch up here...

Announcing the arrival of the PINK CAR! We were so lucky to have Micheline Ryckman do some photos for us, I think this girls camera has some magic in it! It was kind of a yucky day, raining by the end of the shoot actually. Mosquitoes, slap slap slap. Whiny kids, check. But look at these pictures...
 Rob also put together a little blurb about the car...
For the last year and a half that we have been in the hospital with Charlotte. I have watched a lot of car shows with her. Every time a pink car came across the TV Charlotte would perk up and say mine, mine and point to it. Though I had no previous experience… I decided that once we got out of the hospital I was going to make a PINK car for my girls! I started looking and found a 1970 Dodge Charger in Edmonton. The car was picked up on April 11,2011 but would sit around a little more then a month because Charlotte still had many procedures going on. The work on the “Pink Car” started on May 24, 2011 – every nut and bolt was taken out of the car and cleaned, polished or painted. Parts where ordered and the labour started every night after 8pm when the girls went to bed. A couple of weeks into the project the doctors gave us the “go home and make her happy speech” and I honestly didn’t think the car would get done in time. Charlotte needed her parents more and more but fortunately because of a very supportive wife and an amazing man named, Mike Guido we got the job done. Mike stepped up to the challenge of helping out with the rest of the paint and body so that I could concentrate on the engine and interior. Everything started to come together and the car was finished with help of some amazing people only 50 days after it was started! (This might be close to a record!) The “Pink Car” was ready in time for the ‘Mopar in the Mountians’ car show and Charlotte took her first ride in it the day before. 
Yolanda and Charlotte both really enjoy telling people that its their car any chance they get and they are always happy to go for a ride.
The Charger is painted in an actual 1970 paint colour called Panther Pink. The colour was only offered in 1970 for a few short months. Over 800 plus man hours where put into the car and many wonderful people came together and helped out in anyway they could – we also had amazing sponsors who helped with financing this project as well. Big thanks to Lordco – locally Shaun Byers and at the main office Sarah Durant. Legendar Auto Interiors and Manchini Racing where great. People locally… Leo Laberge from gold creek upholstery, Ken Haberman, John Fercho, Jamie Hatt, Geoff Lyons, Kris Assen, Michelle Bannick, Rhonda and Alex Friesen where all huge helps! And of course, the girls and their Mommy!
~Rob Amsing
 Back to Allison writing now... here is a close up of MY part of the process... finding matching nail polish! I had a little paint swatch that I took into the drugstore. Up and down the nail polishes I went testing out the few closest looking ones and found a suitable one. Doesn't everyone match their toes to their cars?

Saving my favourite picture for last...
 You can check out Ryckmans Photography Blog to see a few more photos from this day.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    wow - looks amazing - so does your smiling faces. We continue to pray and trust and hope...our hope is in the
    Dale & Cheryl

  2. It's beautiful, as is your family!
